Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Not Forgotten

. . .  are any of you. It's been nearly 2 months since I looked at this site. I feel like I should update you on our life, but we are the same . . . J & I have went to the next age "number" & Olivia is not far behind. . . she will be a year old come September. I no longer have a reason to have baby "fat". What is that stuff called now? Have any creative ideas? She's growing like a weed, becomimg more opinionated, realizes that she rules the roost around here. She may weigh only 20 pounds or so but she throws that weight around awfully well. She has a tooth & another busting the surface so if you insert your finger in her mouth your liable to come out with a nub.
   We moved to a different house so we have been figuring out which light bulb is attached to what switch, which noise is the house & what is the ghost, trying to learn the language the stove top speaks, taking card board to the dump, watching the pet rabbit in the back yard as well as figuring out EXACTLY which bird seed the birds supposedly won't eat, ( who knew birds were so picky?) wondering how we acquired so much junk, & last but not least, painting truffula trees on Olivia's walls. (Dr.Suess inspiration) That, in short is our new life.

This morning after bananas

talk about ignoring

I like this one, but it takes an act of congress to get
her to look at the camera. silly child.

Have A good day.

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