Wednesday, April 4, 2012

From Under the Umbrella

   . . . dripping with raindrops we say HELLO in a world of "green". I love waking up to the rain and thunder. Makes it hard to crawl out of bed, but there is this "thing" that doesn't believe in sleeping in, romantic rain or not.

  Today was sis's first time of eating real food. Green beans of all things. I'm not to sure that I would want my food introduction to be green beans but then, I'm not sure what I would want it to be. Skittles? Or even better yet, Twix. Nothing like crunchy & caramel between chocolate. BUT. . . . there is also the mini Butterfingers blizzard. On the other side of the coin, there are beets. I know they taste like dirt, but I love them. Perhaps it is because their "color" is so pretty. I feel like a distinguished lunch lady when I have a few magenta beets off to the side of my "healthy" salad buried under a pile of mostly poppyseed dressing. Ridiculous I realize. Enough of that. . . here she is in all her green glory :)

She actually fits into a high chair. Even if she did weigh
2 pounds & a whopping 9 ounces.

The face this little girl has is definitely
one of my favorite "creations"

Wait. . . . What?

I think I can. . . I think I can.

Giggles & grins. . .

to crocodile tears. I guess 9 & 1/2 bites will
suffice for today.

& now we smell like a green bean.

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