Monday, July 17, 2017

Our Ship

Yep, I should totally be in bed. Wonderful lovely cushiony bed. But first I must write my third segment in the Noahs Ark story.

  This third part is probably my favorite, perhaps because of the stage of life I'm in, or maybe because it's helped me realize just how in control God is.

  So now Naoh and his own family are in the ark, it has started raining, giant bolts of lightning and load claps of thunder ring in their ears. They don't know what it looks like out there, the animals are terrified, and they have absolutely no idea how long they will be in this ark. Remember how I said I believe this story portrays the salvation story? That ark is Christ,and Noah is in the ark, just as we are in Christ when we are born again,  Noah answered Gods call, and he is now in that ship. There is no steering wheel...probably no way for Noah to guide that boat. God is, he shut that door and he guided the ark thru everything, without accident. Gods hand led them wherever they went.

  We are in that ship, and while in there, we worry, we fret, we wonder, we get frazzled, but all the while Gods hand is leading our lives. It's quite amazing when you picture us scrambling around in there, don't you suppose Noah did? They worried, they wondered about their future, they hoped there was enough food to go around, and maybe they were concerned about their health. All we have to do is trust in Gods hand leading our lives. It is that simple. Sure, we have to put feet under our faith, but it is He who leads us where so ever we go.

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