. . . . I will show you some of my life. . .a lot of things are a bit repetative up here in this hospital, but I am far to small (even though I think I'm normal sized) to realize that fact. I hope you all are doing well, it's been awhile:) I got my very first real bath last night in a tub that was minature. My mom was having a panic attack because I was so slippery and Dad was almost as bad. Parents ? ? ! What is wrong with these people? I now weigh 4 pounds & 9 ounces & I fill out my preemie outfits, it's almost time to start shopping for shoes. I also drink out of bottles now, although sometimes I forget to breathe because I'm so little, but really I do a good job. (mom panics at that too) So I'm growing & one of these days I will start running with dad. I wonder where my sis is? Someday I will look at the moon & wonder if she sees the same one. . . when the leaves blow off the trees I will think she's whispering to me. . . the first time I see the ocean, I hope we listen to the waves together. . . sometimes she feels so far away. . .but we are half of each other and time nor space will ever change that fact. . . so for now I will hold her in my heart & she will watch me & one of these days we will see each other & run down the streets of heaven holding hands where at last we can be together again. . . I don't know if you wear shoes in heaven but if you do, we'll get matching ones, I can hardly wait. So back to my little life here. . . .
This is my dad. . . apparently all he ever
does is stare at me |
This is my spot in the world
(notice my new BIG girl bed! ! !) |
These are my friends that never stray to far
from me. |
This is my favorite past-time. It's called
"Fish Lips" |
&. . . this is me. I love to sleep & drown the rest
of the world out. I also love to wear my hats.
Oh, & did I mention that I am now
a noise machine?
There is no end to all the different
noises one can make. . .
you really should try it. Well I must
really sign off.
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
. . . .
& won't you please tell Lizzy I
Love her?
. . . . |
WOW!!!! 4 lbs 9 oz?? I (tia) cannot wait to see you again and hold you for the first time. I promise I will try my best NOT to cry this time :) You are one lucky girl....there are so many people who have been thinking about you and praying for you and your family. Keep growing so you can come home soon! XOXOXO