Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dear God

   Help me to be a good mama today. Sometimes I get so bogged down with my little chores I forget to see the beauty. I want to remember always how good I have it and everything you have given me. My children, give me just enough patience,  enough wisdom,  enough grace, while  we're raising them.  Their tender beautiful souls. My heart hurts when I think of them stepping up to the gate to see sister for the first time,  but for now they're entrusted to us.  Be with sissy,  Help her muscles, grow her brain strong and clear,  & help her to face the world with shining eyes. . . & Bubba, help him grow strong and tall,  and to love you.  But most of all dear God,  Help my children to make this world a brighter better place. Be with us all today.  Forgive us when we do not understand,  & when we go astray. Thank you thank you thank you. For the moon, the stars, the trees, & for friends near and far. Be with us all, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You bring me to tears girl...Love your blogs and don't ever give it up ...
