Monday, February 10, 2014


  This morning my phone rang. . . it was my "other" mother calling me to tell me there was a couple being interviewed on TV, due to the fact that they have a special needs child. I grabbed my favorite blanket, flew down the stairs and turned it on. I love to hear other parents stories. This family had 4 boys and the 3rd one at 6 months had an ear infection, and after he wasn't getting better, the mom takes him in, only to find out he has spinal meninjitis. So begins their life with special needs. While watching, there is this part of me that desperately hates the fact that I can so well indentify with her, that I know her inner turmoil, and just how much her heart cries over the fact each and every day of her life. . . but as we all know, there is a time for everything and a reason. She said something that got me to thinking. She said how angry she was in the beginning that God had volunteered her to do this. 

  Often in my life, I've wondered why I was supposed to go through certain things. So often it seems like it never makes sense. I think it's human to always wonder why, we just want an answer. Lately I feel like it's all started to make sense in a small way. Our daughter. Such a little girl & yet such a big responsibility. I know that if I ever get my sinful mortal body up to heaven's gates it will be because of God and my little girl. 

  What I so often forget is, that God has put us right where we are, & if we only ask him, he will give us grace to get through the obstacles that he has already equipped us for.

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