So often I think that mother-hood takes the patience of Job.
Just like yesterday, I finally decide to take the kids
to Flobby-Lobby (just where a kid would want to go) because
we hadn't been out of the house in three days.
Olivia decided she didn't want any part of Hobby-Lobby. . .
screamed all the way there and screamed inside and then
most of the way home. I felt like a three headed monster
while inside the store. I was pretty sure that every woman
was giving me stink eye because I didn't know how to
handle my child. Then on the heels of that I became
furious with CP ( cerebral palsy) I hate that word.
Who invented it anyway? I usually wind up getting mad
at it. I tell myself if she didn't have that, everything
would be so much easier. Then I could communicate
with her and voila, the problem would be fixed.
Then I come sailing back down to earth only to realize
that every two year old child has emotions, has to
get mad and then glad again. . . and as a Mom, you just
have to have the patience to get thru it. It doesn't seem
to bother Bodie, he just appears like everything is perfectly fine.
In his head he's probably chuckling for when he turns two. Then I go
crazy in my head because I'm annoyed at her, and he can see
it. It's a giant vicious circle. Then in the morning I'm greeted
by the faces above and everything is automatically
right in my world. Tell me, how can being a mom be
so marvelous and so hard at the same time?????