Wednesday, June 24, 2015


  I flew around the corner today, chasing Bodie Lee, who had taken Suzy ( sisters doll) to find him merely sitting at his little school desk pattering with the alphabet.  Never mind that Suzy was dumped head first into the cup, her hind end looking at  me. I just stood there and stared at her for a minute. . . Then decided I'd best go back around the corner to check on sister,  who had nearly fell off the couch. Is momhood seriously this knock down drag out chasing hauling tail insanely busy???? Really & truly??? I have to plan the next 17 things out
In my head so I can get anything done at all. Goodness Gracious me. And to think some people actually vacuum their floors, oh, and can. You know, vegetables and things like that. Now, MY very own veggies are currently in wilt stage completely intertwined with 5 species of bind weed. That's exactly what they're doing.

Have a lovely relaxed day. Is that still a word???

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